Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Co–Integration Analysis for Relationship between Institutional Finance and Entrepreneurial Development

Dr. Premakumara, G. S. , Mahadevappa, M. M.

Abstract :

There has been positive relationship between institutional finance and entrepreneurship development. The problem of unemployment and poverty can simultaneously solved by promoting young entrepreneurs by granting institutional finance, which also lead to overall development of the country. Therefore, in the present paper we have tested the long-run relationship between institutional finance and entrepreneurship development in Mysore district of Karnataka. The bank credit has long-run relationship with employment and number of entrepreneurial units. It was also found that bank credit has significant impact on employment and entrepreneurial units. Therefore, there has been stable and long-run relationship between institutional finance and entrepreneurship development. Hence, Institutional finance has to be made available for capable youths for entrepreneurship development.

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Dr. Premakumara, G.S., Mahadevappa, M.M. Co-Integration Analysis for Relationship between Institutional Finance and Entrepreneurial Development Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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