Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

co morbidities and its severity in H1N1 positive patients

Dr Uddhav Khaire, Dr. Meenakshi Bhattacharya, Dr Vinod S. Totewad, Dr Sheshadri K S

Abstract :

 Background: Since the 2009 pandemic of H1N1, there have been respiratory emergencies every year throughout India, but in the early part of this year that is between Feuary  to June  2017 an explosion of cases was seen in Marathwada region in Maharashtra. The study of co morbidities and their relation to severity of H1N1 infection helps in early suspicion, isolation, detection and treatment of patients. Thereby further spread of the disease and its complication can be controlled and the patients can be saved. 

Material and methods:  This is a Hospital based study conducted in a tertiary care centre at the Government  medical college and hospital, Aurangabad between Feuary to June 2017 Study sample was the total number of confirmed cases of swine flu who were admitted in the isolation ward .The objectives were to describe the incidence and outcome of H1N1 positive cases associated with various co morbid conditions.

Result :Out of 169 suspects admitted, 45 tested were tested  positive for H1N1of NIV Pune . Out of 45 cases  the 26positive cases were females, and 19  were males  Out of the 45 total cases,26 cases had co morbidities like, Hypertension , diabetes mellitus , onchial asthma ,hypothyroidism and pregnancy. Immunosuppressant ,cereal palsy, GBS .Majority of  the patients with co morbidities had prolonged duration of hospital stay(> 10 days) than the patients without any co morbidities, and the mortality rate was higher in the patients with co morbidities

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Dr Uddhav Khaire, Dr.Meenakshi Bhattacharya, Dr Vinod S. Totewad, Dr Sheshadri K S, co morbidities and its severity in H1N1 positive patients, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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