Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2016


V. Ramachandran

Abstract :

 Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm in the computer industry where the computing is moved to a cloud of computers. It has become one of the buzz words of the industry. The core concept of cloud computing is, quite simply, that the vast computing resources that we need will reside somewhere out there in the cloud of computers and we’ll connect to them and use them as and when needed. Computer–based multimedia could include several forms of media–audio, text, graphics, and video or film. With computer–based training, the role of both the student and the instructor change. Students become more involved in their own learning, and instructors may no longer occupy a center–stage position in a typical classroom setting. Something similar is happening today in the world of computing. Data and programs are being swept up from desktop PCs and corporate server rooms and installed in “the compute cloud”. In general, there is shift in the geography of computation.

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V.Ramachandran CLOUD COMPUTING Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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