Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Cloning and Expression of Lip–A Gene From Streptomyces Coelicolor to Escherichia Coli

Prasad. M. P

Abstract :

The exponential increase in the application of lipases in various fields in the last few decades demands extension in both qualitative improvement and quantitative enhancement. Strain improvement is an essential part of process development for fermentation products. Developed strains can reduce the costs with increased productivity and can possess some specialized desirable characteristics and such improved strains can be obtained by mutation. Thus in the present investigation the E.coli DH5α were cloned with LipA gene isolated from Streptomyces species using a PUC 18 plasmid. The transformation was confirmed by culturing the cloned cells on lipase medium and restriction digestion of the recombinant cells and un cloned cells by HIND III restriction enzyme where in the E.coli DH5α from the wild strains were not cloned. The cloned E.coli DH5α could be one of the sources for lipolytic enzymes for the industries

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PRASAD.M.P Cloning and Expression of Lip-A Gene From Streptomyces Coelicolor to Escherichia Coli Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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