Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Dr Appasaheb Vasant Ingale, Dr Harshavardhan Tanvar

Abstract :

 This study is of 61 cases who were diagnosed to have intra abdominal cysts of all age groups . Our aim is to study the incidence ,clinical presentation investigations available for diagnosis of intra abdominal cysts,and their management, Pancreatic pseudo cyst was the commonest cyst i.e 65.57%. Next was Chocholedochal cyst i.e 9.83%. Other cyst were omental cyst, mesenteric cyst, retroperitoneal cyst, renal cyst , hydatid cyst of liver , adrenal cyst, hepatic cyst, & splenic cyst. Males dominated i.e 67.21%.Most were common in age group of 31 to 40 yr and 41 to 50 yr with 26.22% incidence.The youngest case was of Choledochal cyst in a 17 day old male child.The Oldest case was of Choledochal cyst in a 61 yr old female..One case was reported of Choledochal cyst with Situs Invertus.Ultrasonography of abdomen was the best and most commonly used diagnostic tool.

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Dr Appasaheb Vasant Ingale, Dr Harshavardhan Tanvar, CLINIICAL PROFILE OF INTRAABDOMINAL CYSTS, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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