Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013
Clinical Study of Stroke in Young
Prasad H. B, Dr. Sunil Jawale, Dr. Dilip B. Kadam
Abstract :
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES– This study was done to study the various etiologies associated with stroke in young , the Neurodeficit on admission and the outcome of the stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS– A detailed history and risk factor evaluation and neurological examination was done .Total 50 patients of age group 15 – 45 years were studied for 24 months. . Exclusion criteria –trauma and SOL. Investigation were done to elicit the possible causes of the stroke. Investigations: Hematological, biochemical and Serological tests like VDRL, RA, HIV ELISA were done . ECG, CXR, CT / MRI, 2D ECHO were done in all patients.. MR Angiography, MR venography CSF analysis ,Prothrombin time, APLA, ANA, Anti ds DNA Lipid profile, Blood culture and sensitivity, USG abdomen, Bone marrow studies, CT thorax, Colour Doppler, TEE, and DSA were done according to the indications. OBSERVATIONS– Commonest age group 20 – 30 years.Right hemiplegia was the commonest neurodeficit , subtypes were : Thrombotic 28%, Embolic 36 % , hemorrhagic 10% and Cortical Venous sinus thrombosis 26%.Female patients predominated in all subtypes of strokes. Ischaemic stroke constituted 64% of total stroke. Cardiogenic embolic stroke constituted 60%, of these and .RVHD and its complication accounted for majority of cases .Other etiologies were tuberculous vasculitis,1, lupus vasculitis 2,, hyperhomocysteinemia ,1 sickle cell disease 1, postpartum CVST 10,, polycythemia rua vera 1, protein C & s def 1, AV malformation1, Moya Moya disease 1, and preeclampsia 1. Cause could not be identified in 8% cases . Mortality was 20% and was common with hemorrhagic stroke (40%) Prognosis was best in CVST and embolic stroke.CONCLUSION–strokes are common in young adults and knowing the right etiology will help in better management.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Prasad H.B, Dr. Sunil Jawale, Dr.Dilip B.Kadam / Clinical Study of Stroke in Young / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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Prasad H.B, Dr. Sunil Jawale, Dr.Dilip B.Kadam / Clinical Study of Stroke in Young / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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