Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Clinical Study of Elongated Styloid Process/ Eagle’s Syndrome in Five Cases with review of literature.

Dr. R. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. K. Kishore, Dr. D. Lavanya

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Eagle’s syndrome (ES) occurs when an Elongated Styloid Process or calcified stylohyoid ligament causes recurrent throat pain or foreign body sensation, dysphagia, or facial pain. The symptoms related to this condition can be often confused with a wide variety of facial neuralgias. Elongated styloid process occurs in 4 % of the general population, and only a small percentage of these patients are symptomatic. The normal adult Styloid process length is considered to be between 20mm to 30mm.The longest recorded elongated Styloid process so for that caused symptoms and hence underwent surgery was around 6.3 cms though in an adult human dry skull up to 8cms have been recorded. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cases admitted in the Department of ENT & referred from neurology and medical ward, with neck pain, Ipsilateral earache and dysphagia from Jan 2015 To July 2015 at Government General Hospital ,Kurnool studied to relate our experience of 5 cases of elongated Styloid within a review of literature and discuss its diagnosis, treatment and follow up. CONCLUSION: An Elongated Styloid Process Syndrome can be diagnosed by a detailed history, physical examination, and radiological investigations x–ray skull, and 3DCT scan face and skull. The treatment of ES is primarily surgical, Resection/ Reduction of the elongated styloid process is the treatment of choice. The Styloid process can be shortened through an intraoral or external approach. In our series all the cases underwent Tran’s pharyngeal intra oral tonsillar fossa approach with or without tonsillectomy and immediate postoperative period was uneventful with relief of symptoms with no complications.

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Dr. R.BHANU MURTHY, Dr. K.KISHORE, DR.D.LAVANYA Clinical Study of Elongated Styloid Process/ Eagle¥s Syndrome in Five Cases with review of literature. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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