Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


K B Yadavendra Reddy, P Kiran Kumar, M Asha, B Visalakshi, P Mohini

Abstract :

 Back ground: In India HIV epidemic is dynamic and heterogenous, and its clinical spectrum is wide. Early recognition of persons having HIV will always help in early interventions to halt or slowdown the progress of HIV disease Material & Methods: This is a cross sectional study and was carried out over a period of two years form Jan 2013 to Dec 2014 among patients who attended ICTC either voluntarily or referred from various departments in RIMS Kadapa, to findout pattern of disease symptoms ,high risk behaviours for HIV and HIV sero–status among them. The data was analysed mutually exclusive where specific diagnosis is obtained and where specific diagnosis is not obtained symptoms was considered for analysis. Results: In our study majority of the patients attended voluntarily and with minor miscellaneous complaints were 48% then presurgical evaluation was19%. Next to that noted were tuberculosis 10.75%, STD and skin diseases7.8%, prolonged fever 4.8%, prolonged diarrhoea 4.9%, generalised weakness 3.2%. overall HIV seroreactivity was 4.3%.HIV serostatus by disease/symptom complex showed that 16.4% of patients suffer prolonged fever,13.5% with prolonged diarrhoea,12.46% with tuberculosis, 10.5% with weakness,8.5% with skin and other STDs. High risk behaviour was seen in groups suffering from prolonged fever, prolonged diarrhoea, Tuberculosis and STD. Conclusions: Patients suffering from prolonged fever, prolonged diarrhoea and tuberculosis needed greater emphasis for HIV screening. Early detection of HIV positive patients makes intervention possible at a very early stage and this can slow down the progress of HIV disease and can extend a better life

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K B Yadavendra Reddy, P Kiran Kumar, M Asha, B Visalakshi, P Mohini Clinical Profile of Patients Attending ICTC: in a Medical College Hospital, Rims, Kadapa Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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