Volume : VI, Issue : X, October - 2016


Dr. Rajesh R. Karekar, Dr. Yogesh P. Rasal, Dr. Pratik R. Sethiya

Abstract :

 We conducted our study in SKNMC & GH in Pune from December 2013 to March2016. 34 adult patients with CVST confirmed by MRI and MRV were studied cross sectionally. Out of 34 patients, there were 16 males (47.05%) and 18 females (52.94%). Headache was the most common symptom in 24/34 (70.58%), followed by seizures 8/34 (23.52%). In majority of the patients 16/34 (47.05%), no predisposing factors were identified. Infections were found in 4/34 (11.76%), post partum in 5/34(14.70%),oral contraceptive pills in 4/34 (11.76%). Hypercoagulable states were seen in 3/34(8.82%) The most common sinus involved was superior sagital sinus in 17(50 %) patients. Transverse sinus involvement in 11(32.35%) patients. Sigmoid sinus involvement in 12(35.29%) patients. All patients were treated with low molecular weight heparin overlapping with warfarin. Conclusion: Cortical venous sinus thrombosis is one of the most important and treatable medical condition in medical practice. Because of its varied and complex presentation it can not be clinically diagnosed so high index of suspicion is mandatory. Neuroimaging is one of the most important goal standard investigation. Taking into consideration various etiological factors it can be effectively treated with anticoagulant agents and patients can be offered satisfactory outcome.

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Dr. Rajesh R. Karekar, Dr. Yogesh P. Rasal, Dr.Pratik R. Sethiya CLINICAL PROFILE OF CORTICAL VENOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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