Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2019

Clinical profile of Cardio embolic Stroke

Dr. V. Ajay Chandra, Dr G. Harish Chowdary, Dr G. Swarnalatha Devi

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION– Embolic stroke is recognized increasingly as an important cause of stroke. This is the commonest cause of stroke. The characteristic feature is the aupt onset of a focal neurologic deficit. In most cases of cereal embolism, the embolic material consists of a fragment that has oken away from a thrombus within the heart. Cardio embolic stroke accounts for approximately 15% of all strokes and is thought to be one of the more preventable types of strokes. This Cardio embolic stroke is largely preventable, making measures of primary prevention valuable. Once stroke secondary to cardiac embolism has occurred, the likelihood of recurrence is high; thus secondary prevention is also equally important. The cardiac lesions causing the stroke have great importance in morbidity and mortality of the illness. 75 percent of cardiogenic emboli lodge in the ain. MATERIALS AND METHODS– All stroke patients admitted in the above period Stroke patients who satisfied the set criteria STUDY DESIGN: Observational Prospective hospital based study. PERIOD OF STUDY: May 2018 to April 2019. STUDY AREA: The study was conducted in the department of General Medicine, Alluri Sitaram Raju Academy of Medical Sciences, Eluru, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. STUDY POPULATION: All the cases admitted in the department of General Medicine, Alluri Sitaram Raju Academy of Medical Sciences, Eluru, during the study period were considered for the study. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1.STROKE as defined by WHO. 2. All stroke patients with ECG or Echo evidence of cardiac lesion 3. Do not satisfy the exclusion criteria EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1.Patients with TIA 2. Patients with haemorrhagic stroke 3. Patients with normal heart as evidenced by Clinical examination, ECG and Echo 4. Patients with major renal, hepatic and cancerous disease. 5. Stroke patients with lab evidence of SLE RESULTS: CLINICAL PROFILE: Hemiparesis – 40(100%) Hemianaesthesia – 6(15% )Hemianopia – 11(27.5%),Aphasia – 25(62.5%),Cranial nerve palsies – 31(77.5%), Cerebellar signs – nil. ARTERIAL TERRITORY :MCA – – 25(62.5%),MCA&ACA –2 (5%), MCA & PCA – 10(25%), ACA – 2(10%) , PCA – 1(2.5%). CONCLUSIONS : Cardio embolic stroke is common among males and the median age of presentation is 51.earliest age reported was 25. 1).Onset of stroke in most of the cases (30patients) occurred during daytime hours 6am–10pm 2. Symptoms of stroke appeared during routine work in most cases(50%). 3. Hemiplegia was the commonest presentation and clinical profile correlated with CT findings in all cases. Among the cranial nerves, facial nerve was the only nerve involved. 4. Atrial fiillation was found in significant proportion of cases (47.5%)

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CLINICAL PROFILE OF CARDIO EMBOLIC STROKE, Dr. V. Ajay Chandra, Dr G. Harish Chowdary, Dr G. Swarnalatha Devi INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2019

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