Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Clinical Pattern and Common Contact Sensitizers in Contact Dermatitis

Dr. Gatha M Upadya

Abstract :

 Aim: Aim of the study was to find out the pattern and common contact sensitizers of contact dermatitis.

Materials and methods: Hundred clinically diagnosed cases of contact dermatitis were assessed and subjected to patch testing. The reading was taken at the end of 48 hrs. The results were analyzed.

Results: Sixty were females and 40 were males. Majority (30%) belonged to the age group 31–40yrs.Itching (80%) and scaling (50%) were the predominant symptoms. Soaps and detergents (16%) and the foot wear (14%) were the commonest exacerbating factors noted. Dorsum of the feet (42%) and dorsum of the hands (22%) were the commonest sites affected. Allergic contact dermatitis to foot wear (40%), soaps and detergents (26%) and phytodermatitis (10%) were the common clinical pattern observed. Patch test was positive for 42% of patients. Mercaptobenzothiazole (18%), potassium dichromate (12%) and epoxy resin (8%) were the commonest allergens noted.

Conclusion: In our study allergic contact dermatitis was seen commonly in females. Dorsum of the feet is the predominant site. Allergic contact dermatitis to foot wear is the commonest pattern noted and mercaptobenzothiazole is the commonest allergen noted.

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Dr. Gatha M Upadya Clinical Pattern and Common Contact Sensitizers in Contact Dermatitis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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