Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Clinical, Laboratory Profile and Outcome of RDT Positive Patients of Malaria in Children

Mandraha Shipra, Randa Rashmi, Nadkarni Jayashree

Abstract :

  Introduction: Malaria is a major public health problem of developing countries. Though the incidence is on the decline, but delay in diagnosis can increase the severity and complications of the disease.

Aim: The study aimed to document the clinical and laboratory profile of malaria in paediatric patients and to study the complications. It’s an observational cross sectional hospital based study done at a teaching hospital in Central India over 15 months.

Results: Out of 95 patients (diagnosed by Rapid diagnostic kit), 18(18.8%) had P.vivax, 66 (69.4%) had P.falciparum and 11 (11.5%) had mixed malarial infections. Majority of them i.e.31(32.6%) presented with severe malarial anemia. Cereal malaria was seen in 30 patients(31.5%), 20 cases (21 %) presented with shock requiring ionotropic support, 66 (69%) patients received blood transfusion and all the 10(10.5%)patients who expired, had cereal malaria. Majority of deaths were due to P. falciparum malaria.

Conclusions: Malaria has significant morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis, management and referral, if necessary, can be done to prevent morbidity and mortality due to malaria.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Mandraha Shipra, Randa Rashmi, Nadkarni Jayashree, Clinical, Laboratory Profile and Outcome of RDT Positive Patients of Malaria in Children, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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