Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr. Saishyam Muralidharan, Dr. Aishwarya Bettegowda

Abstract :

<p>Background and objective The testis develops in relation to the lumbar region of posterior abdominal wall. During fetal life they gradually descend into scrotum. There are instances where the testis fails to reach the normal scrotal position hence we did a study which aimed to study the age distribution of undescended testis, side, type and mode of presentation, complications associated with undescended testis ,the various modalities of management of undescended testis. Materials and Methods. Present study was a retrospective study of 150 patients admitted to Kempegowda Institute of medical Sciences between 2005–2011 with undescended testis from day 1 of Birth and who underwent surgical procedures . the data was collected in a pre defined proforma and the dad analysis was. Results and Observations : In our study the following observations were made of the 150 patients from 2005–2011 with undescended testis from day 1 of birth and who underwent surgical procedures were considered. 73 % (112) cases presented in the age group 0–18yrs & 23%(41) above 18 yrs of age. The undescended testis 43% (50) of cases were present in superficial inguinal .Majority of the patients underwent open Orchidopexy,83% (125); followed by Orchidectomy, 12% (18). One child presented with persistent mullerian duct syndrome. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and management of the undescended testicle are needed to preserve fertility and improve early detection of testicular malignancy</p>

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Saishyam Muralidharan, Aishwarya Bettegowda Clinical Evaluation of Undescended Testis Presentation – An Institutional Experience Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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