Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Dr. K. G. Somashekara, Dr. Ganga. J. Kamath

Abstract :

OBJECTIVE:To provide practical approach in evaluating laryngopharyngeal reflux[LPR]. Materials and methodology:60 patients were taken into study. Reflux Symptom Index (RSI)questionnaire and Reflux finding score(RFS)were used to establish the diagnosis of LPR.Proton pump inhibitors were given twice daily for 3 months and reassessed. Results:26male and 34female with mean age of 42.7years was found.Most frequent symptoms found were persistent cough(86.66%)and globus sensation (85%).Based on videolaryngoscopy most commom findings were arytenoids erythema(93.33%) followed by posterior commissure hypertrophy(90%).In our study we found statistically significant difference in RSI and RFS between pre and post treatment with proton pump inhibitors. Conclusion:LPR should be suspected when the history and laryngoscopy findings are suggestive of the diagnosis and the management should be multidisciplinary. In our study we found treatment with proton pump inhibitors along with life style modification provides great relief to the patient.

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Dr. K. G. Somashekara, Dr. Ganga.J.Kamath Clinical Evaluation of Cases of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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