Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Clinical comparitive study of Small Incision Cataract Surgery and Phaco emulsification.

Siva Ramareddy Kolli, Anandareddy Endreddy, Viswa S Reddy Tanguturu

Abstract :

 Background: Cataract is a major cause of avoidable blindness in the developing countries, the key to success of Global Vision 2020: the right to sight initiative is a special effort to tackle cataract blindness. Cataract surgery has been viewed as one of the most cost–effective public health interventions. Aims and Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate SICS as a substitute toPhacoemulsification by compå clinical parameters namely astigmatism, visual acuity and post–operative complications. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study which included 30 cases of superior straight incision of SICS, and 30 cases of phacoemulsification with 6.00mm rigid PCIOL Implantation.Period of study was from September 2014 to September 2015 who attended OPD at Katuri medical college & hospital. Results: Mean Pre–operative Astigmatism in both SICS group and Phacoemulsification group is 0.68D, and Mean Postoperative Astigmatism in SICS group and Phacoemulsification group is 1.68D and 1.65D respectively. Statistically significant post–operative shift to ATR Astigmatism in 86.70% and 76.70% both in SICS and Phacoemulsification group respectively.Mean SIA in SICS group and Phacoemulsification group is 1.17D and 1.10Drespectively. Conclusion: The high cost, steep learning curve associated with of the phacoemulsification equipment, MSICS looks to have an advantage over phacoemulsification with a huge back log of cataract cases in a developing country like INDIA.

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Siva ramareddy kolli, Anandareddy endreddy, viswa s reddy tanguturu Clinical comparitive study of Small Incision Cataract Surgery and Phaco emulsification. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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