Volume : X, Issue : VII, July - 2020


Dr. Veerendra Singh Kushwaha, Dr. Mridula Singh, Dr. Akanksha Jain

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION– Worldwide it has been observed that premature babies contribute significantly to neonatal morbidities which are predominant cause of prolonged hospital stay and lead to increase in the risk of nosocomial infections, disturbances in biological rhythm and poor parent–infant emotional bonding after discharge. This study identifies clinical factors which are important in prolonged length of hospital stay. METHODOLOGY– Prospective observational study was conducted for a period of 9 months and details of neonates were documented. RESULT– 84 preterm newborns were screened. Birth weight & gestation have independent correlation with length of stay. There was no significant association of hospital stay with maternal illnesses. Jaundice was the most common neonatal illness. CONCLUSION– Identification of risk factors of prolonged length of stay as gestational age, birth weight, RDS, sepsis would be helpful in resource planning, commissioning of services, to aid clinician in their counseling of parents and to stimulate quality improvement initiatives.

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CLINICAL CAUSES FOR HOSPITAL STAY IN PRETERM INFANTS, Dr. Veerendra Singh Kushwaha, Dr. Mridula Singh, Dr. Akanksha Jain INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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