Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Arti Sharma, K S Mangal, Rajesh Gaur, Jyoti Shrivastav

Abstract :

 Aims and Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the prevalence and clinicopathological profile of Dengue in JA group of hospitals. Material & Method: Serum samples were obtained from IgM positive dengue patients referred to the various departments during May 2015 to April 2016, and detailed history was taken on a pre–structured datasheet. All samples were tested for hematological and biochemical profile. NS1Ag positive samples were tested further by conventional RT–PCR for DV–RNA detection and serotyping. Result: Prevelance of dengue was 24.44%, with DF: DHF ratio of 3.34:1. The most affected age group was 11–20 years followed by 21–30 yers. Males are more affected than females. Maximum cases were reported in month of October. DENV –2 strain was the most common strain found in this region. Conclusion: Dengue is common cause of illness in feile patients coincide with post monsoon period. The study serves as the baseline data about circulation of dengue viruses in Gwalior region. Regular continuous surveillance is warranted to monitor the circulation of dengue virus in future

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Arti Sharma, K S Mangal, Rajesh Gaur, Jyoti Shrivastav, CLINICAL AND VIROLOGICAL STUDY OF DENGUE : AN INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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