Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Clinical & Haematological Profile of Megaloblastic Anemia–A Retrospective Study

Dr. Gajanan Balaji Kurundkar, Dr. B. P. Gore, Dr. Shreepad Bhat

Abstract :

<p>Megaloblastic anemia is characterised by decreased haemoglobin level with elevated mean corpuscular< /> volume (MCV)1,2. Patients may present with general symptoms of anemia, sometimes neurological involvement. Deficiency of vitamin B 12 or folic acid which leads to impaired DNA synthesis gives rise to macrocytic< /> RBCs, ineffective erythropoiesis & intramedullary haemolysis1,2. This leads to rise in unconjugated billirubin, LDH &< /> also variable degree of cytopenias.< /> Aims & Objectives: To study various symptoms, clinical findings & haematological parameters of megaloblastic anemia.< /> Materials & methods: This was a retrospective observational type of study. The study was conducted on patients admitted in medicine department of SKN Medical College & General Hospital, Pune during period Jan 2014 to Oct 2014.< /> The case records of 220 patients of anemia were reviewed & 30 cases of megaloblastic anemia were selected for the< /> study. Patients with diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia, Hb <10gm% & MCV 100fl were selected for the study. Their< /> records were reviewed. Data was collected in terms of clinical findings & laboratory parameters. All cell counts were< /> done on automated coulter machine & peripherals smear reported by pathologist. Data was analysed using standard< /> statistical tests. Results are presented in form of tables & graphs.< /> Conclusion: Megaloblastic anemia has wide clinical & haematological spectrum. Thorough clinical assessment, good< /> examination of peripheral smear is vital for diagnosis. Findings of pallor, icterus & leukopenia, thrombocytopenia are< /> commonly seen in our study</p>

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DR. GAJANAN BALAJI KURUNDKAR,DR. B. P. GORE,DR. SHRIPAD BHAT Clinical & Haematological Profile of Megaloblastic Anemia- A Retrospective Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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