Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. M. Abdur Rahim, Dr. S. Lakshmi Bai, Dr. P. S. Usha Rani, Dr. G. Jameel Ahmed

Abstract :

 Heart failure is a common cardiovascular condition with increasing incidence and prevalence. It is known to be caused by various risk factors. There is a contrast in the scenario with regards to the risk factors and the age of presentation between the western population and the Indian population. In India it affects a relatively younger age group due to some specific causes found less frequently in the western population. Rheumatic heart disease still is a common cause of heart failure in Indians. Around 30–40%of the patients die from heart failure within 1 year after receiving the diagnosis. heart failure is disabling and severely reduces the quality of patients life. The present study evaluates the etiological factors of the heartfailure in patients admitted to government general hospital Kurnool,over a period of 1 year.

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DR.M.ABDUR RAHIM, DR.S.LAKSHMI BAI, DR.P.S.USHA RANI, DR.G.JAMEEL AHMED Clinical and Etiological Profile of Heart Failure Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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