Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

Clinical Analysis of PAP Smear in Rural Telangana

Basanta Manjari Hota, Swathi Bobba, Nishitha Peddininti

Abstract :

 Introduction– Papanicolaou (PAP) smear as the key screening procedure for cervical carcinoma, detects 70% – 80% cases of abnormal cells in different stages of development of the disease. It is the simplest, inexpensive, reliable and most acceptable procedure for mass screening. In developed countries screening by PAP smear has shown to have reduced rate as well as morbidity and mortality due to carcinoma cervix.

Materials and Methods– Study was carried out over a period of 2 years on 5000 cases. Cervical cytology smears of eligible women were taken from transformation zone. Clinical details were correlated with cytology report for analysis.

Results– 5000 patients between age group ranging from 17 to 68 years were taken for the study. Age of marriage was as low as 14 years and 90% of the women were married by the age of 20 years. 46.22% had symptoms and 45.60% had signs suggestive of genital tract infection.  24.16% showed normal cytology; 73.20% had infection and/or inflammation; 1.26% ASCUS (abnormal squamous cells of undetermined significance); 0.62% LSIL (low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion); 0.72% HSIL (high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) and 0.04% showed squamous cell carcinoma.

Conclusion – Cervical carcinoma being a preventive malignancy to a major extent needs to be screened at scheduled interval. Awareness among women regarding risk factors, screening and requirement of management of abnormal PAP report is the key to reduce the disease incidence, morbidity and mortality.

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Basanta Manjari Hota, Swathi Bobba, Nishitha Peddininti, Clinical Analysis of PAP Smear in Rural Telangana, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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