Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Clear Cell Sarcoma of Tendon And Aponeurosis–A Rare Case

Dr Syed Mahmood Ur Rahman, Dr. Kpa Chandrasekhar Md

Abstract :

Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue is a tumor of melanocytic origin involving tendons and aponeurosis, which lacks skin involvement. The incidence is higher in the third and fourth decades of life and the most common primary sites are distal extremities. It is clinically, genetically and biologically distinct from cutaneous melanoma despite certain histologically similarities. It usually presents as a slowly enlarging mass. The clinical course is difficult to predict with distant metastasis to regional lymph nodes and lungs. We present a case of clear cell sarcoma of tendon and aponeurosis presenting as a soft tissue mass in the upper extremity.

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Dr Syed Mahmood ur Rahman,Dr.KPA Chandrasekhar MD Clear Cell Sarcoma of Tendon And Aponeurosis – A Rare Case Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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