Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Classical to Contemporary Management

Dr. K. Selvakumar

Abstract :

The speed of change in modern business has increased because of globalization and changes in technology. Management Innovation Defines creativity as problem solving and Problem solving depends on knowledge & expertise. Creativity is coming up with new ideas for improvements, and innovation is implementing those ideas. Most common things that every individual wants are Recognition of achievements (public and private), Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation

and Compensation equal to peers. The human needs influence human behavior. In the organizational context, motivation implies a basic psychological process. Here the theories of individuals on motivation principles in specific the content theories are discussed in detail along with the lessons learned from these anches of classical approach for they are foundation for change in management.

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Dr.K.SELVAKUMAR Classical to Contemporary Management INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, Vol.Iv, Issue.Iv, APRIL-2014

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