Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Class II correction by distalization with Modified Pendulum appliance– A case report

Dr. Pratik Patel, Dr. Ravi Shanthraj, Dr. Nekta Garg, Dr. Jyothikiran H, Dr. Anisha Vallakati

Abstract :

<p> 14–year male presented with skeletal Class I jaw base with unilateral Class II molar relationship with well aligned lower arch and lower incisors upright over basal bone. Distalization was planned in upper arch to correct unilateral Class II molar relation and upper incisor proclination. Modified Pendulum appliance was used to distalize upper left molar. Molars were distalized by 5 mm in a span of 4 months. Post treatment Class I molar relationship was achieved bilaterally and incisor proclination reduced. Post treatment cephalogram showed minimal changes in the vertical dimension of face at the end of treatment. The total treatment ended in 19 months.</p>

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Pratik Patel, Dr. Ravi Shanthraj, Dr. Nekta Garg, Dr. Jyothikiran H, Dr. Anisha Vallakati Class II correction by distalization with Modified Pendulum appliance– A case report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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