Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. Apurva S. Shah, Dr. N. H. Banka

Abstract :

 Mesenteroaxial volvulus is a form of gastric volvulus that rotates around the short axis of the stomach. We present a case of patient who presented with episodic abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss for one year. Imaging revealed mesenteroaxial volvulus and managed by laparotomy – repair of diaphragmatic hernia & gastrostomy tube gastropexy. This case illustrates the difficulties in diagnosing an intermittent volvulus. Some of the computed tomography(CT scan) features of gastric volvulus are described, and the usefulness of CT in assisting with the diagnosis is highlighted.

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Dr. Apurva S. Shah, Dr. N. H. Banka CHRONIC MESENTEROAXIAL GASTRIC VOLVULUS AND DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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