Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Child Education in India – A Critical Appraisal.

Dr. B. K. Das

Abstract :

 The Right to education for children is an important right recognized in constitution of India. Being the signatory of International Conventions India has made sincere effort to enforce educational pursuits as per the international agenda with full spirit and strength. Yet the right to education for children is impeded due to several factors. India attained success by enacting a comprehensive legislation on free and compulsory education in the year 2009. The focus of this article is to discuss about the recent effort of India to implement education under the 2009 Act. Some suggestions are made to enrich the goal as per the provision of the Act.

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Dr. B. K. Das Child Education in India – A Critical Appraisal. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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