Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Vivekananda Maiti

Abstract :

  India is marked by its rich traditional heritage of Tribal/Folk Arts and Culture. The tribal/folk art and cultural forms have played an instrumental role in reinforcing national integrity, crystallizing social solidarity, fortifying communal harmony, intensifying value–system and promoting the elements of humanism among the people of the country.West Bengal is not an exception of that cultural tradition. The districts of West Bengal, like Purulia, Bankura and west Midnapur are belonging in to the same cultural periphery. Among various dance forms, the Chhuo Dance is popular in West Bengal, India and also in various countries of the globe. The Manbhum, presently belongs to the Purulia District in West Bengal. In 1838 A.D, Purulia was formed as a district town of Manbhum; but previously, it was under a division Chottonagpur in Behar. Many areas of the region are under Jharkhand state have witnessed conscious efforts to conserve their tribal/folk culture for the purpose of enriching their heritage culture. But we are not trying to preserve tribal/folk culture like Chhuo dance. Socially and economically marginalised tribal people used to express their devotion to God Siva, through Chhuo dance. At present, however, it is a form of dance. It has high socio–cultural value and enriches our popular cultural heritage. But the community, dancers, artists, who act as carriers and follower of this culture, are growing to poor day by day. These marginalised and poor people are not going to stop their cultural tradition. The State government can preserve this popular folk culture through financial support. Academically this art and cultural tradition can be marked as heritage culture, by which this form of cultural tradition enriches our popular folk culture and we can enrich our cultural history.

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VIVEKANANDA MAITI Chhuo Dance in Purulia : Preservation of Bengal Folk Culture in Respect of Historical Value Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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