Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Chemical Control of Pests of Soybean

Dr. Pushpa Singh, Dr. Umesh Prasad Patel

Abstract :

Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill is one of the most important cash crop of Madhya Pradesh. The Satna region is growing about soybean in Kharif season during last few years. Soybean is an important oil seed crop containing more than 20% almost cholesterol free oil, 40% highly valuable protein. The annual national production reached upto 18 million tones. The medicinal value is also too much. Like all other crops, the soybean is also affected by a number of Insect pests reducing the yield. A number of Chemicals were used for the control of pests but even then no 100% surety can be given for pest free crops.  

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Dr. Pushpa Singh, Dr. Umesh Prasad Patel Chemical Control of Pests of Soybean Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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