Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr. Ram Niwas Sharma

Abstract :

 A chartering oker may be described as an intermediary between the ship owner and the merchant or  the cargo owner. His knowledge must be extensive in order that he may cope with all requirements of  his business; he must have a sound knowledge of shipping law, geography, and port information, such port charges  throughout the world, facilities at different ports, distances between ports, and countless other matters. It also stands  to reason that he must be of the highest character.  He acts between a ship owner who has tonnage idle, and a cargo owner who has a cargo which he wishes to be transported. He engages space for cargo and arranges the whole of the business details between the principals receiving  for his services the commission agreed under such arrangement. 

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Dr. Ram Niwas Sharma CHARTERPARTIES Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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