Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

Charcot Joints: A Case Study

Dr Munde D. D, Dr. Sampada Karne, Dr. Nakul Shah

Abstract :

Charcot joint is an uncommon degenerative osteoarthopathy associated with decreased sensory innervations of the involved joint. It is characterised by the “6 D’s” i) Distended joints ii) Density increases iii) Deis production iv) Dislocation v)Disorganisation vi) Destruction. Early identification and treatment of charcot process can minimize potential foot deformity, ulceration and loss of function and prevents amputation or death. Here we present a case of charcot joint responding to pressure relieving methods.

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Dr Munde D. D, Dr. Sampada Karne, Dr. Nakul Shah Charcot Joints: A Case Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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