Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Characteristics of Vertical Temperature Profile over Baghdad

Bashair Abdul Rahman Mohammed

Abstract :

In this work, the temperature inversion over Baghdad has been studied. Records of 7900 sets of eleven years radiosondes data were filtered, analyzed and processed for 100 m resolution. The data extended from the surface up to 15 km height and characterized for days and nights basis. The result shows that the lower transition layer significant at the night–time rather than day–time and occurs between 200 to 400 meters with slop of five C per 100 m above the transition layer. Moreover, the average temperature inversion depth increased by 13% from winter to summer with inversion strength of 1.5 % to 2 % respectively. Results also show that double inversions are common during the winter season. These results may explain the abundance of that dust and other aerosols which might last for many hours during the day over this area.

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Bashair Abdul Rahman Mohammed Characteristics of Vertical Temperature Profile over Baghdad Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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