Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Appalanaidu Pappala

Abstract :

 The present study examines inter–tribal offspring‘s variations with a special reference to age and gender differences as measured using skinfold thickness (SFT). The main aim of this work is to examine the correlations of body fat content among the Koya (vulnerable) and the Konda Reddi (most vulnerable) tribal groups of West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh. For the study, tribal offspring between the ages of 6+ to 16+ years available at the time of visit attending the schools were used. The outcomes indicate that majority of offspring are in normal category of skinfold followed by a few individuals with thicker skinfold and a very few are under thin skinfold category. A slightly higher proportion of Koya girls (7.4%) have thinner skinfolds than Koya boys (1.7%). Among Konda Reddi also as high as 22.6% of girls possess higher fat compared to only 5.5 per cent of boys. No tribal household have reported shortage of food or starvation deaths in this region.

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Appalanaidu Pappala, CHANGES IN SKINFOLD THICKNESS THROUGHOUT CHILDHOOD: AN INTER傍RIBAL STUDY, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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