Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Change in industry, employment during five year plans of Indian economy

Ms. Savita

Abstract :

 Since 1947, The Indian Economy has been, promised on the concept of planning. This has been carried 

through the five years plans. The Eleventh plan completed its term in March, 2012 and now twelfth plan 
is in operation. After completion of 11th plan, the objective of achieving economic self reliance, discontinuation of 
concessional foreign assistance, problems of unemployment still remains a cherished dream. The common man is not 
much enthused with the planning which has only increased his tax burden and cost of living. Therefore, it has become 
necessary for us to look back and see where our planning has gone wrong. So in this paper a major stress has been 
given on our mistakes and how we can rectify them to continue the process of economic development which proceeds 
in a smooth manner.

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Ms. Savita Change in industry, employment during five year plans of Indian economy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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