Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Challenges perceived in obstetric emergency management by staff nurses working in obstetric care unit.

Jisha Joseph, Namitha Subrahmanyam, Rinu Abraham

Abstract :


The study was conducted to assess the challengesperceived in obstetric emergency management by staff nurses working in obstetric care units of a tertiary care hospital in Ernakulum District.


Emergency obstetric care is one of the strategies for reducing the maternal mortality as pregnancy related complications are unpredictable.Maternal mortality and stillbirth are highly correlated with the access of emergency obstetric care services.Understanding the challenges on emergency obstetric care services is paramount in developing programs and policies that will respond effectively to the needs of emergency situations. The care providers competency and expertise in early identification and management greatly influences the outcome of such emergencies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challengesperceived in obstetric emergency management by staff nurses working in obstetric care units.


A Descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted among 117 staff nurses working in the obstetric units of  a  medical college hospital of south India duringDecember  2016.Sampling technique adopted for the study was total enumerative sampling. A structured checklist was used to assessthe challenges perceivedin obstetric emergency management by nursing staff.Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.


Shortage of protective supplies and equipments was the major challenge faced by 61.5% of participants during obstetric care emergencies. Admission of patients in closed area/room (57.3%), delayed lab services(56.4%) and delivery of medications from pharmacy (51.3%),fear of legal consequences(43.6%)were the other frequently reported challenges.


This study identified various challenges perceived by nursing personnel in managing obstetric emergencies. Establishment of comprehensive emergency obstetric care guidelines has been difficult in low–resource settings because of lack of supplies, equipment, and staff essential for providingcritical care to women with obstetric emergencies.  Health care administers need to focus on eliminating these challenges to ensure quality emergency care to obstetric population

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Jisha Joseph, Namitha Subrahmanyam, Rinu Abraham, Challenges perceived in obstetric emergency management by staff nurses working in obstetric care unit., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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