Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Challenges of Manpower in a Spa Industry

Sonal Karnik, Dr. Sunita Borkar

Abstract :

Wellness Tourism refers to the trips aiming at a state of health featuring the harmony of the body, mind & spirit, self–responsibility, physical fitness, beauty care, healthy nutrition, relaxation, meditation, mental activity, education, environmental sensitivity. Thus Spa Tourism refers to the overall well–being through a variety of professional services that encourage renewal of mind, body & spirit. For many, urban living is about high–flying careers competitive atmospheres and constant multitasking. Long working hours, late nights and the pressure of looming deadlines leave people overworked with depleted energy levels. Stress comes easy. Pain in the neck, shoulder and back areas are common complaints of modern living and are also caused by muscular tension and psychological stress Well–trained spa desk associates are the gatekeepers to Spa business’ success. The present study was conducted on Challenges of Manpower in the spa in five star hotels in Bangalore eight five star hotels were selected for the study

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Sonal Karnik,Dr. Sunita Borkar Challenges of Manpower in a Spa Industry Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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