Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

CHALLENGES OF INDIAN DAIRY INDUSTRY (In the aspects of cattle farms)

Ravi Jadawala, Dr. Satish Patel

Abstract :

 India is undoubtedly the largest milk producing country of world. India has highest population of cow and buffalo. Since Indian independence dairy industry is showing steady and robust growth rate of 3 percent. Sector has seen huge improvement in supply chain and milk processing facilities. Despite of robust growth, cattle farms has not adopted modernization and cattle farms are facing multiple challenges. In this article we have discuss different challenges of Indian dairy industry and we have tried to analyze challenges through frameworks like SWOT analysis and Potter five force model

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Ravi Jadawala, Dr. Satish Patel, CHALLENGES OF INDIAN DAIRY INDUSTRY (In the aspects of cattle farms) , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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