Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Challenges in the International Marketing of Quartz and Feldspar Minerals from Rajasthan

Vaish Ankita, Mehta Pallavi

Abstract :

The global mining industry drives more than 45% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) either on a direct basis or through the use of products that facilitate other industries. Mineral are non–renewable natural resources therefore these are to be exploited scientifically, their proper conservation and value addition aspects are to be taken care of for optimal use of these limited rich natural resources. Rajasthan is called museum of minerals. Out of 79 varieties of available minerals, 58 No. are commercially produced and have significant contribution at National level. The quartz and feldspar minerals are two important industrial minerals which are produced in substantial quantity from the State. There are hundreds of Ball Mills and Grit factories under operation in the State and are dispatching mineral powder and grains to adjoining Gujarat. The quartz grains are also being exported to Vietnam, China, Korea, Taiwan etc. There is lack of awareness amongst entrepreneurs regarding export rules, Taxation, Port facilities, Opening of Letter of Credit (L/C) etc which is hindering export of these potential minerals. The Export Policy 2009–14 of Government of India although is facilitating the entrepreneurs for increased export yet the import–export policy of other countries is more attractive and with less taxation. Hence, it is high time to establish additional Export Oriented Units (EOU’s) in the state and to make the export policy more realistic with due awareness generation. A few other constraints which require attention are strengthening of mining infrastructure, development of Export Promotion Industrial Parks (EPIP’s), setting up of Container Depots, facilities for product testing particularly for small scale units, encouragement to quality up gradation through ISO Certification etc. These will go a long way in acceleration of minerals export from Rajasthan and particularly of industrial minerals like Quarts & Feldspar.  

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Vaish Ankita, Mehta Pallavi Challenges in the International Marketing of Quartz and Feldspar Minerals from Rajasthan Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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