Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Challenges & Opportunities to Organized Retailers: The Case of National Capital Region

Dr. Kapil Malhotra

Abstract :

 The present study focuses on mainly challenges and opportunities faced by organized retailers in National Capital Region. Eighty (80) retailers of hypermarket/supermarket and Convenience/discount stores were approached and were asked to mark their responses on various challenges namely Infrastructural & Govt. Challenge, Market & Competition Challenge, Business Operational Challenge, Customer Convenience Challenge, Human Resource Challenge, and Opportunities prepared in the form a structured questionnaire. 


Findings concluded that biggest challenge is extreme power cuts (Interruption in power supply) in national capital region followed by frauds in retail i.e. employee theft, shop lifting, high cost of store operations which includes huge electricity bills, employee salaries, expensive land & high rentals, Non availability of skilled work force, Stores long working hours and retail shrinkage. The biggest opportunity to organized retailing is a huge portion of working dynamic & young customers. Young and working class people are the ray of hope for the organized retailers followed by growing and consciousness, growing job opportunities, highly urbanization with rapidly growing middle class.


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Dr. Kapil Malhotra, Challenges & Opportunities to Organized Retailers: The Case of National Capital Region, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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