Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Challenges And Opportunities of Knowledge Management in Real Estate Sector

Dr. C. Ramanigopal

Abstract :

Knowledge becomes essential raw material in product organization, and it becomes strategic ideas in service organization but it becomes an attitude in real estate sectors. Knowledge is the only required promoting real estate projects. The people involved called knowledge workers are the real players who needs as much as maximum knowledge about the geography along with virtual focus about the location proposed to be promoted. Hence the real estate market analysis becomes knowledge oriented analysis than the data oriented analysis. People in process of real estate promotion need to adopt a competitive knowledge to convert it as advantage. As in other industry knowledge and knowledge management has been implemented as strategic management, so knowledge in the real estate sector has to be well focussed with the help of knowledge who ripe the benefits of market through the knowledge workers has to develop personality at times called culture. To explore the possible opportunities in the real estate sector a critical literature review has been conducted in the aspects issues, challenges and opportunities of Knowledge Management implementation very deeply. Thus, this study explores industry knowledge and in depth analysis regarding strategic passion irrespective of the geography to disclose the key challenges of the real estate industry facing. KM practices in real estate sector to grow individually as organization and collectively as a nation and also conducted to obtain results in the aspects of and development, profitability and customer satisfaction with the help of KM practices in other sector. And, Projects the impacts of regulating authority, solution by public sectors, and possible way to handle this challenges and issues in the public sector in the aspects of real estate sector also has been explored.

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Dr. C. Ramanigopal Challenges And Opportunities of Knowledge Management in Real Estate Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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