Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014


Dr . Sunil Kumar Agarwalla, Dr. Sushreesmita Behura, Dr. Shubhankar Mishra

Abstract :

Sotos syndrome/cereal gigantism , described by Sotos ,is an overgrowth syndrome characterized by increase birthweight ,excessive growth during the first few years of life and distinctive facial features including macrocephaly ,high forehead pointed chin ,long and narrow face etc . They have mild to moderate mental retardation with developmental delay .It is generally diagnosed by clinical criteria . We present a case of sotos syndrome with all characteristic morphological features .He had no features to suggest other forms of overgrowth such as Marfan syndrome, McCune–Alight syndrome or homocystinuria.

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Dr .Sunil Kumar Agarwalla, Dr.SushreeSmita Behura, Dr. Shubhankar Mishra CEREBRAL GIGANTISM: SOTOS SYNDROME � A CASE REPORT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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