Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. C. Shobha

Abstract :

 It is hard for many to believe but when compared to economics, production and operations, accounting and other business areas, marketing is relatively young discipline having emerged in the early 1900’s. At the organizational level, marketing is a vital business function that is necessary in nearly all industries whether the organization operates as for – profit or as a not – for – profit. For a for–profit organization, marketing is responsible for most tasks that ings revenue to an organization. For the non–profit organization, marketing is responsible for attracting customers needed to support the non–profit organization’s mission, such as raising donations or supporting a cause. For both types of organizations it is unlikely that they can survive without a strong marketing effort. Many trends are emerging in the field of marketing. One such present trend is cause marketing or cause related marketing which means the company market in a way that they contribute to a cause out of the price paid by the customers to their products or services

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Dr.C.Shobha CAUSE MARKETING AN EVALUATIVE STUDY Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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