Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019


Dr. Manas Rajan Rout, Dr. Neelima Katta, Dr. Vallur Sujithareddy, Dr. S. Jayasundeep

Abstract :

Myxomas are benign, slow–growing and locally aggressive mesenchymal neoplasms. Account for less than 0.5% of all paranasal sinus and nasal tumors.A 40 years old male presented with a mass on left side of nose since 1 year with a rapid growth in last 2 months. Patient had no other complaints other than facial deformity. On examination a single swelling present over left ala of nose which is 2x2 cm. On anterior rhinoscopy bulge is seen in left nasal cavity lateral wall with narrowing of left nasal cavity, septal deviation to left side is present. Computerised tomography revealed a well defined hypodense lesion involving soft tissue of nasal wall on left side which appears to be benign .Excision of mass is done and specimen sent for histopathological examination which revealed myxoma

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CASE REPORT : SUBCUTANEOUS MYXOMA OF FACE;AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION, Dr.Manas Rajan Rout, Dr.Neelima Katta, Dr. Vallur Sujithareddy, Dr.S.JayaSundeep INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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