Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017


Dr. Agraj Mishra, Dr. A. M. Chitale, Dr. Rahul Aggrawal

Abstract :

 Hydatid cyst is common in developing countries. It is caused by echinococcus species; can arise in any part of the body. Breast involvement with HD is extremely rare and occounts for 0.27% of all occurence; it can be isolated or secondary to disseminated hydatidosis. Performance of preoperative cytological examination is not necessary for all patients. Complete excision should be the first–line option for east HD. Here we discuss a rare case report on hydatid cyst of east presenting in a 21 years old female and discussion on its management.

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Dr. Agraj Mishra, Dr. A.M. Chitale, Dr. Rahul Aggrawal, CASE REPORT ON HYDATID CYST OF BREAST, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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