Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Case of Hydropfetalis by Ultrasound Scan

Ala. M. Abd Elgyoum, H. Osman, A. Elzaki, E. Abd Elrahim, Ahmed Abdelrahim

Abstract :

<p>40–years old female pregnant woman, G III para II. 34 weeks gestational age was scanned by ultrasound< /> machine by curved linear probe with frequency 3.5 MHz, no past or family history of similar condition.No< /> previous ultrasound done for her. (US) revealed that ascites, pleural and pericardial effusions and polyhydramnios are< /> present. </p>

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Ala. M. Abd Elgyoum, H. Osman, A. Elzaki, E.Abd Elrahim, Ahmed Abdelrahim Case of Hydropfetalis by Ultrasound Scan Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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