Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr. C. Sreenivasulu, Dr. M. Ramanjuyulu, Dr. G. Shaul Hameed, Dr. T. Vinil

Abstract :

 Incidence of internal carotid aneurysms in cavernous segment represent only 3–.5% of all intracranial  aneyrysms and 15% of those originated in internal carotid artery. Most commonly seen in females at  age group of 5th and 6th decades. Most commonly present as ophthalmoplegia. Management is medical most of  the time as defined by Linskey et all . We report two cases of internal carotid artery aneurysm presenting as painful  external ophthalmoplegia. In the first case,a 50 years female presented with ptosis of left eyelid with pain in left forehead and back of head  on left side with diminshed vision in left eye for 6 months. Examination revealed complete ptosis on left side  with loss of pupillary reflexes and restriction of all ocular movements with ,diminshed sensation on left side of  face in maxillary division of trigeminal nerve. MRI ain with orbit revealed large saccular aneurysm arising from  internal carotid artery . CT Brain angiogram showed giant aneurysm from cavernous segment of left carotid  artery. In case two a 65years female presented with history of ptosis with intermittent periorbital pain on right  side. Examination showed complete ptosis of right side with loss of pupillary reflexes and restricted ocular  movements. MRI ain revealed saccular aneurysm arising from internal carotid artery . CT ain –Angiogram revealed saccular aneurysm arising from cavernous part of internal carotid artery.

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Dr.C.Sreenivasulu, Dr.M.Ramanjuyulu, Dr.G. Shaul Hameed, Dr. T.Vinil CAROTID CAVERNOUS ANEURYSMS–A REPORT OF TWO CASES WITH REVIEW OF LITERATURE Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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