Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017


Dr Kulesh S Chandekar, Dr. Shruti K Mamidwar, Dr. Niwrutti N Jiwane

Abstract :

 The aim of present study was to add evidence of the variability found in bifurcation of common carotid artery and surrounding structure mostly vagus nerve relation. This study was performed on 56 common carotid arteries of 28 cadavers. At superior border of thyroid cartilage bifurcation of common carotid artery is found in 33 cases out of 56 cases. Above the thyroid cartilage in 14 cases and below thyroid cartilage is 9 cases. Most common location of Vagus nerve is postero–lateral in 22 cases out of 56 cases. External carotid artery is anterior to internal carotid artery in most of cases except in one case whereas relation is reverse. The finding of study, together with other previously published studies, should taken into consideration by physician and surgeon to avoid clinical complication.

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Dr Kulesh S Chandekar, Dr.Shruti K Mamidwar, Dr.Niwrutti N Jiwane, CAROTID BIFURCATION AND RELATION OF VAGUS NERVE IN CADAVERIC STUDY., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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