Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Career Anchor Preferences of ITES Professionals in Today�s Scenario– Study in Bangalore

Mrs Mamatha J, Dr. A Satya Nandini

Abstract :

Career Anchor is one of the new concepts under Career Development and identification of the same is essential for an individual as well as an organization. Every employee has their own career interests and desires to work with certain companies and since all of individuals do not possess a clear idea about their career anchors, there is certainly a need to identify them .Through well planned, positive attitude, an individual can shape his/ her career. This study attempts to identify the career anchors of ITES employees and classify them under eight dimensions. These eight dimensions are Technical/ Functional Competence, Managerial Competence, Security and Stability, Entrepreneurial Creativity, Autonomy /Independence, Service /Dedication to a cause, Pure Challenge, Life Style. Totally 300 professionals working with 26 different ITES companies located in Bangalore took part in the survey. The findings revealed that employees of ITES companies in Bangalore gave prominence service/ dedication, security followed by lifestyle.

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Mrs Mamatha J, Dr. A Satya Nandini Career Anchor Preferences of ITES Professionals in Today�s Scenario- Study in Bangalore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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