Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


Tennyson Samraj

Abstract :

<p>This paper examines the nature of epistemic awareness, or cognitive states, in the context of the KK thesis and defines the relationship between cognitive states and neural states. The paper begins with examining what this indubitable epistemic awareness entails and ends with understanding when and why beliefs can be held as ‘true’ with, without, against or regardless of empirical evidence. Cognition is an existential mode of being accompanied by epistemic content. As such, ‘to know’ entails the following: to know is to know that we know; know what we know; know how we know (what we know); and know that what we know is either true or false. In addition, to know is to be cognizant of why beliefs are considered basic or non–basic; when epistemic justification for belief is considered internal or external; when we have control over beliefs and when we do not; when evidence can provide the basis for beliefs; and when evidence cannot guarantee beliefs. It is noted that we do not choose to possess epistemic awareness, nor can we choose to negate epistemic awareness — we cannot choose not to know that we know though we may or may not choose to know what is known. From Gettier, we learn that TAK (JTB) can only prevent guessing but cannot prevent ‘lucky truth.’ Many authors have questioned what makes beliefs true or false, and how beliefs can be affirmed or falsified. Knowing what we know of the basis, process, content and truth of cognitive states, this paper endeavors to understand why our carbon–based ain allows us to hold beliefs with, without, against, or regardless of evidential consideration. Ideas from the following authors are examined: Plato, Gettier, Goldman, Searle, Rosenthal, Chalmers, Lehrer, Block, Pojman, and Sartre.</p>

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Tennyson Samraj Carbon-Based Brain, Consciousness and Cognition: Understanding Cognitive States in the Context of the Kk Thesis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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