Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Can water: Is it safe? A survey

Tambekar Dh, Sd Tambekar, Dhote Sv, Joshi Rk

Abstract :

 Adequate supply of fresh and clean drinking water is a basic need for all human beings. In terms of public and environmental health, it is essential that water sources be free from pathogenic bacteria and safe to drink. Continuous increase in the sale and indiscriminate consumption of drinking water from water cans is of public health significance. In order to safeguard public health it is essential that the available drinking water in cans must be potable. The present study was conducted in Amravati city to access the bacteriological quality of water in cans at several key location of study area by using rapid field test (H2S). In present study 100 different water samples from various vendors water can were collected to analyze the potability of water and found that 47 % water samples were  non–potable and 53% potable. In further study, Pseudomonas spp. was identified in 26 nonpotable and 32 potable water samples indication that the water is unsafe for human consumption indicating that the water can, water distribution pipe line, water chiller plant or over water tank is not properly wash and there is formation biofilm containing Pseudomonas, indicating total unhygienic condition of the plant and distribution system. More over water was found to be contaminated with one or more type of indicator organisms and therefore represents a risk to public health and appropriate action should be taken to ensure that such can water should not be consumed. From the study we conclude that, water can industry should ensure that the water they distribute in the market is free from faecal contamination and it should be potable and water can manufacturers should follow all the code of conduct of microbiological standards, categorize regulations appropriately and take appropriate measures to ensure the protection of public health.

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Tambekar DH, SD Tambekar, Dhote SV, Joshi RK, Can water: Is it safe? A survey, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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