Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Calotropis procera as bio–larvicide for the control of mosquito vectors in clean and polluted water breeding habitats

Manju Singhi, Anil Purohit, Ak Dixit

Abstract :

<p> The larvicidal potential of crude and extracted latex of Calotropis procera was tested against mosquito vectors in clean and polluted water eeding habitats. Insecticide susceptibility tests was carried out using WHO standard . Analysis of Variance showed that extracted latex have good larvicidal effect as compared to acqous latex at 100 ppm concentration. Statistically significant result (P<.01) was observed when we compared methanol extract versus acqous latex ( t=5.2782,df= 8 ) and acetonitrile extract with acqous latex (t=5.9758,df=8), similarly when efficacy of both the extract was compared it showed non–significant difference (P>.01) and these two being comparable (t=0.2558,df=8) .This showed that both the extract is effective to control mosquito eeding in domestic & peri–domestic eeding containers as compare to acqous latex. The finding of the study revealed that extracted latex of C. procera can be used as an alternative approach for the control of mosquito vectors in all eeding sites .The study would be of great importance in planning vector control strategy based on alternative plant derived insecticides</p>

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Manju Singhi, Anil Purohit, AK Dixit Calotropis procera as bio–larvicide for the control of mosquito vectors in clean and polluted water breeding habitats Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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