Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Business to Responsible Business a Sustainable Strategy of Survival & Growth for all

D M Parikh

Abstract :

The paper ings out importance that, in a globalised economy for any business to remain sustainable it should be compatible with the environmental and social norms; develop practices for energy conservative measures as well as good governance. The reporting of business is on triple bottom line is emerging. Paper lists different terminology of responsible business. Various activities done by some corporate in the area of business responsibility are narrated. Paper illustrates that small enterprises can also develop payoff domain to strike balance between economic benefit versus social and environmental benefits and remain sustainable. Various programmes undertaken by national and international organizations are described. Concept of responsible lending is introduced to ensure that future credit allocation decision can incorporate business responsible in appraisal as one of criteria. Stock of different models as well as menu of activities of responsible business which MSMEs can explore is compiled.

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D M Parikh Business to Responsible Business a Sustainable Strategy of Survival & Growth for all Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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